Thursday, October 23, 2008

Disable SELinux on CENTOS 5

To check and see if SELINUX (secure linux) is installed and running on your Red Hat ES 5 (CentOS 5, etc) server, use a text editor to open /etc/selinux/config:

vi /etc/selinux/config

Inside you should see a line that says

SELINUX=*some value*

Where *some value* is either enforcingpermissive or disabled. To shut SELINUX off, set the variable todisabled. To receive a set of errors to see what services would be affected if SELINUX was running, set it toperimissive. If you are sure all your services, daemons and everything else is set up with correct SELINUXpermissions, you can set it to enforcing.

If you're getting an error after compiling and installing an Oracle OCI8 module for PHP you might want to setSELINUX to permissive or disabled until you are able to resolve the permission problem.

If you have to change the setting you should reboot the server to make sure the change takes effect system wide.

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